Psychotherapy for Female Helping Professionals in California

Lower anxiety. Process trauma. Experience joy.

Services offered in person in my cozy minimalist Chico, California office or virtual sessions anywhere in California to support female helping professionals be less anxious & self-critical and enjoy their day to day more fully.

You don’t feel good enough, do you?

You try desperately to fall asleep, but instead find yourself replaying your day: 

Did I do enough? Did I say too much?” 

You finally fall asleep but wake up in the middle of the night. 

You wake feeling tired and groggy, dreading the day. 

You ARE successful but you don't feel it.

Friends and family notice your accomplishments and say nice things, but you think they're lying, that they have to say those things.

You sometimes feel like a fraud, an imposter, and worry what others think of you and if they'll find out “the truth.” 

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place!

Woman looking down and sad

I’m Sarah Sanders, a licensed psychotherapist in Chico, California specializing in women’s issues.

I empower female helping professionals with anxiety to find peace and enjoyment in the day to day by teaching them how to tune into their mind and body and learn healthy coping skills. 

Through strength-based, trauma-informed individual therapy sessions, I help women process past trauma and teach them highly effective coping skills to decrease stress levels and improve self-worth. 

Imagine a life where you’re enjoying your day, especially the little things; like the tart yet sweet flavor of your iced tea with a slice of lemon. And, when your head melts into your pillow after a full day, you feel good about your day, heck, not just good, but proud! You didn’t even have to check anything off your to-do list. You feel peace that you were your authentic self.

This IS possible. This can be your life!

Sarah Sanders

Let’s work together and do this! If you want to learn more about how therapy with me works, head here.

I’ll be with you every step of the way. Encouraging you and teaching you specific coping skills to implement today.

You deserve more, a lot more.

Today is the day to silence that anxious critical voice, start sleeping better, and wake up feeling confident.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
— Helen Keller